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Completed : 2018; 2075 sq.ft.

This store for retail brand Meena Bazaar was designed keeping in mind simplicity and fuctionality. The client's brief for the store was to have a functional display system that could be replicated with ease in multiple outlets. The site was a double storey retail space in an isolated commercial building in a medium range shopping area in Aliganj, Lucknow. The store had frontage on both levels and was connected internally by a staircase.


This store was designed as a combination of modular systems for display as well as for design installation. While the site was in Lucknow each element was to be fabricated in Delhi and then assembled at the site in a short time. This led to the design of a  modular system for display devised using Mild Steel that could be fabricated, transported and assembled with ease. To create a nice ambience, a ceiling element that created a feature for the lighting of the store was also designed in a modular way and connected the shelving system across the store.


The tables and mannequin stands for the showroom were also custom designed.  Each element was sized keeping in mind the product as well as ergonomic requirements so that the same modules could be used/replicated in consequent spaces.

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